суббота, 4 июня 2011 г.

e 40 with dreads

e 40 with dreads. with E-40 | Stash Magazine
  • with E-40 | Stash Magazine

  • gotzero
    Oct 15, 12:24 AM
    The website now says not to run two. Is the new version now using all 8 cores?

    e 40 with dreads. Kaaren Styles: braids, dreads,
  • Kaaren Styles: braids, dreads,

  • timothyjay2004
    Nov 19, 02:34 PM
    I was just about to post about this likely being a loss leader. They're generating buzz and traffic in their stores. Their losses on the iPad are designed to turn profit on other sales.

    You are exactly correct. I would bet anything that TJ Maxx/Marshalls did in fact pay the $499 for each and are selling them at a reduced price. Because they did not announce where they will be, they intended/bet on the internet hype to drive customers into the stores to look to see if their local store(s) had them. And, about 75% of those customers will stay in the store and look around while they are there, and of those 75% of customers, 60% are likely to buy something. It is a marketing ploy. This type of thing has been done for ages by smaller chain stores. It's nothing new. Only reason it's getting attention is that it is an iPad, something people want - and that is exactly why they did it.

    e 40 with dreads. E 40 Dreads.
  • E 40 Dreads.

  • milbournosphere
    Mar 23, 12:46 PM
    Bertrand Serlet, senior vice president of Mac Software Engineering, will be departing the company in order to "focus less on products and more on science"
    He's moving to Aperture Science. Look at him still designing when there's Science to do.

    e 40 with dreads. e 40 with dreads.
  • e 40 with dreads.

  • AventuraMacGirl
    Nov 1, 07:39 PM
    The local Apple Store was not selling the 2nd Generation Shuffles today... So I went and bought one at the Best Buy right down the road for the same price. Turns out, I'm reading they're definitely not supposed to have them for sale yet. Anyhow, get them while they're hot in Aventura, FL!


    e 40 with dreads. e 40 with dreads.
  • e 40 with dreads.

  • eastercat
    May 7, 01:20 AM
    Deleting doesn't work?

    e 40 with dreads. e 40 with dreads.
  • e 40 with dreads.

  • phas3
    Dec 15, 12:47 PM
    link please!!! :)

    here it is


    and as for the hobbit, I KNOW RIGHT! what the heck man....she's canadian maybe thats where I should move to.


    e 40 with dreads. Chinese Dreads
  • Chinese Dreads

  • laurim
    Apr 4, 01:24 PM
    I'm with T-Mobile now. I'm tired of waiting for TMo to get the iPhone so with the merger possibility, I looked into getting an iPhone with ATT. Since the iPhone will probably be upgraded this year, I thought I would get a $20 refurb 3GS with the new contract and upgrade early (probably at full phone price) when the new model comes out. I used the online ATT chat with a rep to make sure this was possible. She swore up and down that the iPhone is the only phone you can't upgrade early so there would be absolutely no way for me to get the new iPhone when it comes out, even if I paid full price for it. Then I see this post that specifically addresses early upgrading and no-commitment pricing. WTF?? Is she just a clueless rep or was she lying to me?

    e 40 with dreads. S2 baby dreads?
  • S2 baby dreads?

  • Reach9
    May 5, 10:04 PM
    What kind of BMW do you recommend for a young bachelor business guy in a popular downtown location? I was thinking about the 3 series.


    e 40 with dreads. before and after dreadlocks
  • before and after dreadlocks

  • eric_n_dfw
    Apr 7, 05:28 PM
    Seems to - iCade has 6 (plus 2 for 1/2-player)

    Dang! That is true.

    Thinking it out:
    Stick = Up/Down
    Bottom Red = Reverse
    Right-Botton Black = Thrust
    Right-Top Black = Fire
    Top White = Smart Bomb
    Bottom White = Hyperspace

    On Stargate you could assign one of the others to the Stealth mode button too.

    e 40 with dreads. Dreads
  • Dreads

  • LGShepherd
    Jun 19, 07:10 AM
    Hi all!

    Will anyone be going to CPW on Thursday for iPhone 4?


    e 40 with dreads. added a few extra dreads,
  • added a few extra dreads,

  • stlredbird
    Jul 2, 10:56 PM
    Trying to jailbreak my 3GS for hours and no sucess .
    it has the new ios 4 software , tried with pnwage tool 4.0 ,
    got a message sayig that firmware is not compatible .
    tried with redsnow , didnt work
    any suggestions ?

    My only suggestion would be to post in this forum instead:

    e 40 with dreads. seen here in dreadlocks,
  • seen here in dreadlocks,

  • jrko
    Apr 15, 11:34 AM
    Oh Fart!!:mad:

    I forgot that I only have 256Mb RAM so I can't load it up. The other Dimm flipped out and panicked.

    So this could be the longest 10.5 instal ever :D


    e 40 with dreads. Cut the dreads or cut the
  • Cut the dreads or cut the

  • Jeffrosproto
    Dec 27, 08:32 AM
    What speaker are these? ...... does anyone know?


    More specifically, KRK Rokit RP6G2.

    I got:

    2 KRK Rokit RP5G2
    $35 in iTunes cards
    $10 Starbucks card
    $15 Tim Hortans card

    e 40 with dreads. Wrapped dreadlocks in
  • Wrapped dreadlocks in

  • Apple OC
    Mar 28, 03:10 PM
    Contract Termination By Fraud
    A contract can be terminated by what is referred to as "fraud in the inducement." Fraud in the inducement occurs where a party intentionally misleads the other party into entering the contract. For example, a party lies about the subject of the contract and the other party relies upon the statement and agrees to the contract. This misleading action can terminate the contract.

    Do us all a favor and stay in school. You aren't going anywhere in the real world as a lawyer.


    well said iApples ... this guy StratocasterDan seems to think he is smart ... he has a lot to learn in life


    e 40 with dreads. First curly dreads
  • First curly dreads

  • benjayman2
    Apr 6, 09:25 PM
    @scotbay I thought I saw that bookmark thing before on the top left, but never knew where to get it. Care to share IYDM.

    e 40 with dreads. before: the dreads seem to
  • before: the dreads seem to

  • Lincoln
    Sep 27, 12:38 AM
    As the saying goes, if you don't think its worth it then don't buy it.

    Me, my .mac account is up for renewal and this makes me glad to pay for another year. I like my .mac email address, I like the seamless synchronisation between my two macs and don't have a problem (yet) with the current size.

    That said, I welcome any improvements to the service.


    e 40 with dreads. Reattached dreads!
  • Reattached dreads!

  • sherlockaled
    Feb 15, 04:01 AM
    http://img163.imagevenue.com/loc457/th_53032_Screenshot2011_02_15at1.50.26AM_122_457lo.jpg (http://img163.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=53032_Screenshot2011_02_15at1.50.26AM_122_457lo.jpg)
    Red for Valentine's Day
    can you please give me the link to your original wallpaper :D? thank you :)

    e 40 with dreads. I NEED E-40 TO
  • I NEED E-40 TO

  • macrlz9
    Sep 30, 12:35 PM
    I use Lotus Notes and Sametime at my job.... unfortunately i have to use a Dell at work :-/

    e 40 with dreads. Lil Wayne Without Dreads
  • Lil Wayne Without Dreads

  • Marx55
    Jul 26, 06:39 PM

    Apple, please, put Blu-ray drives in Macs! At least as an option.

    We need them for handy backups of audio, images and video taking lots of GB.

    Oct 18, 01:49 AM
    Anyone from Bruges can meet up at the GCA in the Geldmuntstraat. There's a Leopard Night from 6pm to 8h30pm. There will be demos of Leopard (I don't have more information yet)

    link: GCA (http://www.gcab.be)

    Apr 21, 11:35 AM
    The only people who want to compare it that way are apple fans. The rest of the world rightfully compare it according to device. Smartphone OS to smartphone OS.

    Except iOS is not a exclusively a smartphone OS. Again, if you are a developer, the metric that matters is how many devices are using the particular platform.

    You can't have it both ways. You can't compare one phone (the iPhone) against every phone out that runs Android. You either have to do a one-to-one comparison of manufacturer to manufacture (that gives you revenue/number of handsets sold/profitability /market share, etc... Android has no revenue, only the manufacturers). Or you have to compare platforms, which includes all iOS devices and all Android devices capable of running apps such as PMPs, tablets and phones. Here, you can look at how much Google makes from ads generated by users of Android phones which, i think is a more valuable and telling metric. And one that would benefit the Android argument.

    But the main point is: DEVELOPERS JUST DON"T CARE ABOUT iPHONE VS. ANDROID, or iPhone vs. HTC, or iPhone vs. anything. All they care about is how many people will have access to their app. THEY ARE THE ONES THAT COUNT! Not you, fandroids, or Apple lovers.

    Really, it's kind of a pointless article. The majority of people arguing over this do not develop apps. I'm sure there are some devs who do, but their time would be far better spent making sure their apps are available for both devices.

    Apr 27, 08:45 AM
    I was going to dispute you and say old dual 500mhz cube cube play 720p files with the stock Geoforce card but I remembered that was running the multi-thread variant of MPlayer. That might work for you.

    720p what?

    Jan 12, 02:26 AM
    If I could get Apple's programmers to make one change, the first would be to bring back the handy method of choosing what application to open from a web address in email.

    Used to be that if you wanted to change this, you option-clicked on the address, and a list of applications came up.

    This is now gone, and I have no idea how to change the browser that is the automatic choice.

    Others? What would you change?

    Feb 10, 07:20 AM
    Sprint is still cheaper for me by about $30 per month. As much as I want an iphone, Ill stick with the cheaper carrier.

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