пятница, 3 июня 2011 г.

funny running quotes

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  • DaveP
    Mar 18, 03:38 PM
    I don't think this one has been mentioned.... I think Microsoft's Remote Desktop is a wonderful app. I have had my iBook for almost a year now and Remote Desktop was one of the major reasons I decided to delve into the Mac world. I go to a college with abundant wireless access and I can basically use my Mac as both a Mac and PC (Remote Desktop allows you to remotely log in to a windows machine). And don't just on me for this.....there are some programs at school we have to use that are Windows only.... :rolleyes:

    Microsoft Remote Desktop: http://www.microsoft.com/mac/downloads.aspx?pid=download&location=/mac/download/misc/rdc_update_103.xml&secid=80&ssid=10&flgnosysreq=True

    funny running quotes. funny running quotes.
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  • St0rMl0rD
    Dec 2, 01:18 AM
    Will be using this one until Christmas.



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  • CarsonGallo
    Apr 30, 04:16 PM
    More specifically its supposed to be in Safari. Heres the link to the article (http://goo.gl/BjYWf) http://photos.appleinsider.com/readinglist-110430.jpg

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  • Praetorian�
    Dec 11, 06:44 AM
    classic :cool:

    I just realized how much I love the Montreal Canadiens. :D Thanks for sharing.


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  • kustardking
    Mar 23, 10:43 PM
    One tip I have for those clients who want to change absolutley every little detail... explain that you are happy to change it all for an extra fee, and you'll even offer a lower hourly rate since you're not being asked to do anything creative, but remind them that they will end up with a site designed by an amateur to their personal, individual taste, rather than the site designed by a professional and designed to appeal to their whole customer base that they've already paid for.

    Make sure you have a paper trail for all decisions. Obviously the original contract, but it's very important to repeat all verbal changes through email. Email records are very handy to point to and find, "oops, I did say that," or advise, "well, you did say that."

    funny running quotes. funny running quotes.
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  • Reason077
    Nov 20, 04:14 PM
    Doubtful since their warranty does not transfer to a second hand buyer. If I were to buy an iPod and then sell it on ebay a few weeks later the new owner would not be covered.

    This is indeed what Apple's warranty document says. However, that clause might not be enforceable/legal in some jurisdictions.

    In practice, Apple have always honored their warranty regardless of whether you're the original owner.


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  • ikir
    Mar 23, 01:22 PM
    His Lion demo was so-so.

    Cmooon, the demo was fine. It isn't easy to show something knowing half of the nerd world will see you.

    funny running quotes. Funny Running Quotes
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  • miles01110
    Apr 23, 08:30 AM
    It's only valid in the US and Canada.

    d. This Plan is offered and valid only in the United States of America and Canada. This Plan is not offered to persons who have not reached the age of majority. This Plan may not be available in all states or provinces, and is not available where prohibited by law.

    From (PDF): http://images.apple.com/legal/applecare/docs/NA_APP_iPad_English_v1.2.pdf section 7d


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  • response and running their

  • entraik
    Apr 25, 12:11 AM
    this is AWESOME news...for me. I recently just got the black one again (my older phone was stolen) so im going to return this back to ATT before my 30 days is up and get the white instead... love the way it looks

    funny running quotes. Funny Running Quotes
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  • yadmonkey
    May 2, 04:37 PM
    it asks you about your sexual orientation.

    Actually no, it doesn't. It asks you if you've ever had sexual contact with another male (at least in Colorado and NY, the two places I've given). I've never seen anything in the process that would preclude a gay virgin.

    Plain and simple, discriminatory and non-scientific because male-to-female sex has the exact same risks

    I'm not qualified to respond to that, although apparently studies have indicated otherwise. But I'm not informed enough to take those things for granted.


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  • Matt T
    Oct 5, 06:50 PM
    I'm a web designer and I think that part of good web design is flexibility and compatibility; in other words, a good website design should be one that can be customized at the will of the user, such as resizing a text box that is too small.

    Besides, have you seen this in action? (I got a 403 when I tried to view the blog - I don't know about you). Do we know that resizing a text box will rearrange any other elements of the site? Knowing Apple, they've probably come up with some way to resize the text box in a non-destructive manor, and maybe resize it back to it's original size when a user isn't using it. Does that make sense?

    All these features sound like great additions to Safari - especially searching text in a web page; it's about bloody time Apple!

    funny running quotes. Running quotes- some funny,
  • Running quotes- some funny,

  • Dino F
    May 2, 05:52 AM
    According to O2, the white iPhone 4 is ONLY available through their high street retail shops?? Why is this??


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  • obee1
    Oct 13, 07:24 AM
    I'd rather pay and get upgrades than have the developer abandon the app because it isn't profitable to do anymore free updates.

    Excuse me, but he did abandon it. He abandoned Tweetie 1 to create Tweetie 2.

    I don't care about the $3. $3 is no big deal and I have absolutely no desire to have this app anyway. By the way, I keep hearing it's not an upgrade, but you're saying he's charging to keep upgrading his app. Which is it? Is he charging for an upgrade or abandoning his app that people paid for, for this brand new app that he says isn't an upgrade?

    Quite frankly, whether this app is worth the money or not, is of no consequence to me (as stated, I don't want it in any event), but what does concern me is the precedent it may set. "It's only $3." Multiply that by all of the apps in the app store. Imagine some of the developers of the crap apps charging people for an update to make their games do what they should've done in the first place. It could turn into much more than "only $3."

    Hopefully, that won't happen on a large scale, but I doubt some sleazy developers out there won't be thinking about it now. "Buy e-mail 2. If you purchase this app, you can send e-mail as well as receive it."

    funny running quotes. Funny Running Quotes.
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  • JoshBoy
    Jan 28, 05:47 PM
    Hi, I had a look through but can't find what I am after. I have just placed in over 900 books into my itunes. My challenge is that I like everything organised. I am trying to find the list of categories for books that have a nice category display picture and can not find this anywhere. For example, Science Fiction has a category cover and so does history and children's. Anyone that can help would be great.


    funny running quotes. funny running quotes.
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  • Philalbe
    Mar 21, 02:04 PM
    Some people will walk all over you if you let them. Send an email "on the previous job I was paid for 3 hours but my total time spent was actually xxx hours. I can't afford jobs like that, so if you want another job done, you'll have to agree that time spent on phone calls will be billed as well. " And buy a stopwatch.

    Your job is not to produce graphics designs. Your job is to produce billable hours.

    Add: "Weekend work, including phone calls is charged at double rate. Sunday work at triple rate. ".
    Hi. Thanks for the advice. I like your attitude. There's no reason for me to continue letting cheap customers have the upper hand.

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  • DotComName
    Mar 25, 11:16 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I cannot wait for iOS 5!!! I really hope the cloud takes over the role of iTunes in the area of file syncing, updating, etc. And we see a new maps application! Just those two would be great, but I know they'll be more! :)


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  • funny quotes on life images.

  • bizzle
    Apr 11, 05:47 PM
    meet rusty...
    in case your wondering, yes, the wheels are gold plated. baller

    That car no longer exists (in that form) as of Friday, the 8th. The guy's garage burned down with the car in it.


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  • nwainwright
    Oct 1, 11:24 AM
    Hi there,

    I've been a Mac user since '84 and a Notes user since '93. I also am a Notes developer and I've led dozens of Notes implementations. It's a great platform if it's done well. The biggest achilles heel has been their user interface (on any platform), and they're set to fix that (for the most part) in the next 12 months.

    The Notes Mac client hasn't always been the best. Well, never the best but it's been usable and they should be applauded for their long-standing support of the Mac platform. One of the key execs at their development team, Tim Halvorsen, was a key Mac supporter over the years (he's not there now).

    The movement of OS X to a robust set of development tools, coupled with the maturity of software development practices in general across the software industry, means that full and exciting support of OS X alongside Windows is now a lot easier than it has ever been...meaning Macs will be making more inroads into enterprise accounts.

    I applaud IBM's support of OS X and I only see things accelerating.

    By the way...shops with Notes deployed well tend to be just as passionate about Notes and some of us can be about Macs. :-)


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  • steeler
    Jun 18, 02:07 PM

    Oct 1, 06:29 AM
    ^ Thank you!

    I've a few books on the artist and its amazing how varied his work and how influential he was (like Van Gogh and Whistler). He was prolific and I usually get my desktops with a google image search

    There are some good image repositories/ information, if you're interested here's a link to one (and a picture very different but very interesting at the same time)



    Hiroshige has been claimed to be making a comment on the shogunate of the time- the general in the picture was


    Before it gets TMI, I hope you like!

    May 4, 04:41 PM
    Have you tried Disk Utility yet?

    Sep 16, 09:58 PM
    What brand and model would you choose for an external DVD burner and why ?

    Dec 3, 12:44 PM
    Here's another one
    Looks great. Moving Adium was a good idea, and this wall is better too.

    Oct 5, 05:00 PM
    Woo, Shiira :D

    Shiira's pretty good too... :)

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